Did you know?
Every 757 Battle of the Beers ticket comes with a meal from one of our on-site food trucks. This year’s menu features:
– Capt’n Crabby
– Cast Iron
– The Food Dude
– Get Stuffed
– Karnage Asada
– Your Pie
Get your tickets online or in participating taprooms!
Discounted tickets online will run until 9/8/2017: https://beachambassadors.myshopify.com/
18 of our participating breweries are selling discounted General Admission tickets in their taprooms: https://757battleofthebeers.com/2017/06/09/taproom-discount/
General Admission tickets includes: entry to event from 1-6pm, tastings of all beers (27 breweries bringing 2 beers each!), keepsake pint glass and meal voucher to use at a food truck
DD “Non-Drinking” Ticket: entry to event from 1-6pm, meal voucher to use at a food truck, non-alcoholic beverage
** VIP and Table packages are sold out for this event **